Gold Award “Innovation in Teaching” awarded to QLS by Education Business Awards 2017

To QLS τιμήθηκε με το Χρυσό Βραβείο των Education Business Awards για την Καινοτομία  στην Διδασκαλία των Κέντρων Ξένων Γλωσσών QLS  με την Διαφοροποιημένη Διδασκαλία που εφαρμόζει βάσει των Μαθησιακών τύπων των μαθητών του που ανιχνεύει με το επιστημονικά έγκυρο τεστ QLP (QLS Learning Profile).

QLS has been honoured with the Gold Award of Education Business Awards for Innovation in Teaching of the QLS Foreign Language Centres with the Differentiated Teaching it applies based on the Learning Profiles of its students, which are determined by the scientifically validated QLP test (QLS Learning Profile).

The awards were organized by Boussias Communications for the second consecutive year, and aim to highlight and reward outstanding practices in entrepreneurship and innovation in the field of Education.

The QLS Language Centres Network, which in 2017 completes 15 years in the field of foreign language education in Greece, was awarded the Gold Award for Innovation in Teaching. The prize is the result of a successful search carried out by the people who make up the QLS Language Centres, while monitoring the various needs of our students today. We sought ways which would enable our students to gain insight into their personality and thus to learn more easily, making optimal use of their innate characteristics. Based on H. Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences, we differentiate our instruction in the following ways:

  • We identify the learner’s learning profile with the QLP Test.
  • We train the student and his family to recognise and use his strong learning attributes.
  • We adapt our teaching to cover all learning styles with our trained teachers, our seminars and our exclusive material.

Thus, each student acquires self-knowledge regarding how he learns best, our teaching is more targeted, and our student acquires the skills not only of knowledge but also life skills that will follow him.

QLS Foreign Language Centres have quietly revolutionised the approach to learning, with their students as the final recipients and beneficiaries.

The Gold Award is our ultimate reward!

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  • Education Awards - QLS
  • Education business awards GOLD
  • Poster QLP